Sunday, May 22, 2011

All hail Mr. McQueen-part 2

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but we have been away in New York! We went to the Alexander McQueen exhibit and it was phenomenal. It was by far my favorite part of the trip. There are these different rooms with different themes that had eerie feelings to it but that just adds to the beauty. Here are some pictures of just a few of the designs. (sorry most of the heads are cut off).

Lots of these were hand-stitched and had millions of beads.The feathers were mostly real too and they covered the body entirely. You can't see it in these pictures bu most of the heads have something on them too. The were usually mask type things that covered the whole face. All in all, this was a great exhibit and it was so amazing to see lots of my favorite designers work.
-Rachael :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

80's night

What would the 80's be like without Madonna? Or without the big hair? Or without the denim-on-denim acid wash jeans? The 80's just wouldn't be the 80's! That's all for right now. Enjoy!

Acid Wash outfit


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here comes the bride

All through the years, these royal brides have always looked so pretty and elegant. Did you know that it is tradition for the royal brides to have sleeves on there dresses? I didn't know that until recently. Kate Middleton's dress was by Alexander McQueen and I thought she looked very nice. I have also always loved Princess Diana's dress from 1981. I thought she looked so pretty and graceful. That's all for now. :)


All hail Mr. McQueen

Creations by the late British designer Alexander McQueen are displayed during at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. - Creations by the late British designer Alexander McQueen are displayed during at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. | FINBARR O'REILLY/REUTERS


 The late Alexander McQueen is by far one of my favorite designers and I always love his stuff. At the MET in NYC there is an exhibit all based on his clothing that I am hoping to check out. He has very inspiring clothing that I always seem to like. Kate Middleton's dress was one of his and I thought that she looked very pretty at her wedding. Well that's all!
